| TIME ZONE (CET): M-F 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Saturday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM |

| TIME ZONE (CET): M-F 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM. Saturday: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM | +34 923 581 151   tienda@julianmartin.es

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Valentins Day Special

Enjoy a Valentine's Day with Julián Martín

Valentine’s Day is coming, that date marked on the calendar to show our love to that special person. On this occasion, we want to be your particular Cupid and help you to declare/manifest your feelings.

For this reason, we maintain in our online shop a 10% discount on sliced Iberian ham with knife, as well as adding to this list our semi boneless Iberian shoulders. With this, we make sure that the consumption of our products is as easy as possible. There are no more excuses to prepare a quality romantic dinner in no time at all.

And what's more... We have a new active Valentine's Day special raffle.

To finish our work as Cupids of Iberian ham, although we know that it is difficult not to fall in love with such a majestic product, we have an active draw among all the orders placed in our online shop from 5 to 19 February (only count one order for person), whose winner will be able to enjoy one of our Finca Valle Ferreiros Shoulder, a product with a very reduced stock and that at the beginning of this campaign we have replenished so that many of you can enjoy it.

Because Valentine’s Day is on 14 February, but those of us who like real Iberian ham celebrate love all year round.

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